Tuesday, November 24, 2009

New Position made to raise awareness of NCAA hockey

From the New York Times....

Paul Kelly, dismissed as executive director of the N.H.L. Players’ Association last summer, will be introduced at a news conference at Harvard University on Tuesday as head of a new organization, College Hockey Inc. The organization will operate under the supervision of the Hockey Commissioners Association, a grouping of the major N.C.A.A. hockey leagues.

With College Hockey Inc., Kelly will try to raise the profile of collegiate hockey, both in media exposure and among top teenage prospects. The N.C.A.A. has lost more top players to the Canadian junior ranks in recent years. In last June’s N.H.L. entry draft, N.C.A.A. players comprised only 3.3 percent of all players selected, as opposed to 21.3 percent from the Ontario Hockey League alone. Ten years earlier, N.C.A.A. players made up 13.2 percent of the league’s draftees.

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